Arts in Southeast Asia
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Minaret of Masjid Kampong Kling
The Southeast Asian-styled mosques are different from Indian or Persian masjids. The mosque has a square plan with 4 pillars supporting the sloping roof with the wooden beam supporting the tile roof without any dome. Other interesting point is the minaret that has stacked body with the Chinese sloping roof at the top. The shape of the minaret is similar to Chinese pagoda. At the same time, the minaret is also look alike the Dargarh type tower in Nagapattinam in South India
Dutch Colonization Period
17th – 18th century

Sule is octagonal in modelling, this form continues from the bottom to the pinnacle making this stupa extraordinary. The base mouldings comprise the triple sloping mouldings and the triple torus. The emphasis of the slope of the base is typical to the Stupa in Mon country. Interestingly, the triple torus mouldings substitute the normal platform which is extraordinary for Mon stupa. This mode of substitution is also typical to Mon stupa, not to the Burmese ones.

Mahazedi is the stupa in octagonal plan. Whereas the moulding of the bases is designed in sloping Mon-affiliated fashion, the staircases of the Burmese affiliation punctuate the moulding in every direction. The bell-shaped element and the spire are newly-added. The combination between Mon and Burmese affiliations corresponds to the historical event. During that time, the capital of the Burmese Taung U kingdom was shifted to Hamsavati. This shift encourages the intermingling between two schools of art.

ArchitectureKyaik Htiyo
The hanging rock on the cliff is of the most exciting natural phenomenon. This natural stone was thereon converted onto the Buddhist monument. The Karens, who were formerly followed animism, were supposed to be the ones who establish the sacredness of the rock prior the advent of Buddhism. Thereafter, the rock was established as the Buddhist monument by the Mons.

ArchitectureKuangmu Daw
The most important element is the colossal hemispheric Aṇḍa, inspired from the same element of Ruvanveliseya at Anuradhpura. The triple base is very low comparing to the height of the whole stupa, incluenced from Sri Lankan styled stupa. The spire, including the square Harmikā and the rings of Chatravali, are surprisingly omitted from this stupa.

ArchitectureMin Gun
Mingun Stupa comprises the solid colossal body meant for supporting the roof and the spire. Unfortunately the stupa had never been finished as the project was abandoned after the demise of the king, Only the lofty body still remains.

ArchitectureModel of Min Gun Stupa
Because the stupa was left unfinished, we have to study the conjectural complete form of Mingun Stupa from the model adjacent to the main stupa. This model suggests us that the complete form of the stupa would be superimposed by the Śikhara and stupa spire.

ArchitectureShin Byu Me
Shinbyume stupa was conceived as the cosmological model in accordance with Buddhism. The central Mouth Meru supporting Culāmani stupa is at the centre while there is the triple staircase in the front is connectible to the miraculous staircase of the descent from Tavatimsa Heaven. There are also the celestial abodes for the heavenly creatures, including deities and Nagas. Seven rings of mountain ranges enclosing Mount Meru are also explicitly depicted. This is the most complicate and complete model of the cosmos in Burmese art which is only popular during the later Amarapura-and-Mandalay period.

The composition of Pathodawgyi is closely similar to Pagan art, especially the triple base decorating the Jātaka panels and the double torus moldings. In the middle of each base, there are staircases providing the access to the circumambulatory path on the top of each base. The bell-shaped element is decorated with Kāla faces disgorging the garland. These above-mentioned characters are under the inspiration of Pagan influences while the elongate banana-bud-liked pinnacle is different from the shorter one in Pagan art.