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Arts in Southeast Asia Database

Hoa Lai

Keywords : Hoa Lai, Champa, Panduranga

Site common nameHoa Lai
Type of artworkArchitecture
Province/CityPhan Rang
StateNinh Thuan
Geographic Coordinates
Decimal degree
Lat : 11.676944
Long : 109.035833

History of productionDuring the 8th-9th century A.D. the capital of Champa Kingdom was shifted to Panduranga region in the south, nowadays Phan Rang. Despite of lacking of the documentary evidence, the date of this temple is, judging from the stylistic study, assignable to this period.
ArtThere are four pilasters on each wall of the body denoting the early Cham art. The motif band in the middle of the pilaster is typical to Hoa Lai art while the miniature temples decorated at the base are identical to those in Indian and Pre-Angkorian Khmer art. The superstructure comprises the superimposing miniature tiers indicating the south Indian influence.
PeriodHistorical Period
Art periodHoa Lai
Age8th-9th Century

Type of LicenseAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND)
RightsPrincess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre
Date of record creation2015-02-00
Record creatorChedha Tingsanchali