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Arts in Southeast Asia Database
Showing 673-680 of 801 items, 101 pages.

This piece of sculpture follows general pattern of Eastern Java art that is the back decorated with pearl necklaces and tufts. There also appears a lot of lotus and lotus leaves, which is a unique characterisitc of this period.

Ramayana: the course-way constuction
SculptureRamayana: the course-way constuction

The principle court is where the base of the main Candi is located. This level of base is related to Sumera Mount, which is the center of the universe and the residence of Shiva. However, the building was all ruined and may once be a crematory. It could alos be a multi-tiered building similar to those in bali art in the present. The first level of the base depicts scenes from Ramayana. These scenes are very similar to Java shadow play (Wayang).

Ramayana: Rama, Lakshmana and Monkeys
SculptureRamayana: Rama, Lakshmana and Monkeys

The principle court is where the base of the main Candi is located. This level of base is related to Sumera Mount, which is the center of the universe and the residence of Shiva. However, the building was all ruined and may once be a crematory. It could alos be a multi-tiered building similar to those in bali art in the present. The first level of the base depicts scenes from Ramayana. These scenes are very similar to Java shadow play (Wayang).


Pura Dalem is a temple built in dedication to the dead. It is one of the three Puras. Other Puras include Pura Desa, the temple of the village and Pura Puseh, a temple dediated to the ancentors who guard the village. Pura Dalem is often located in the south of the village, which is an inauspicious direction. This is different from Pura Desa which is in the center of the village and Pura Puseh, which is in the north of the village, an auspicious direction. Besides, Pura Dalem is dedicated to the dead. Pura Dalem is often located in a community forest, which is a forest dedicated to the dead. Such a forest is the habitat of monkeys in the present and is often called monkey forest . The most famous example is Pura Dalem of Ubud.

Balinese riding a bicycle
SculptureBalinese riding a bicycle

Grey stones are exclusively used in Bali art of Singaraja school, which is different from regular Bali art, which usually combines orange and grey sandstones to create patterns on the walls. Patterns in this school of art include flowers of western influence such as Acantas and sunflower. This shows that Pura in this school of art is not very old and might have been built when the Dutch had already ruled Bali. The patterns are usually larger than Bali art in general.


Lintel is an architectural part that is found in Khmer art. It is always placed on top of the entrance gate. Lintels in Banteau Srein art are the mixture if Koh Kae and Phra Kho arts. The storytelling scene is in the middle of the lintel and the garland curves down to the bottom part of the lintel. The garland is decoated with leaves with Uba inserted within the leaves. This is the same with Phra Kho art. A distinctive feature of this lintel is the decoration of the quarter part of the garland with “ an animal face biting the garland”. This is the model for the quarter Uba in Bapuan art.


Lintel is an architectural part that is found in Khmer art. It is always placed on top of the entrance gate. Lintel in Phra Kho period has Kala following the influence of Java art. However, A distinctive feature of this lintel is the decoration of the quarter part of the garland with “ an animal face biting the garland”. This is the model for the quarter Uba in Banteau Srei and Bapuan arts.

Siem Reap

Lintels in Bapuan art have the garland that was inherited from the previous period. The middle of the garland drops down to the bottom. There is a Kala holding the garland and the ends of the garland curve out. Above the garland is the erecting leaves and under the garland is the falling leaves. Between the leaves, there are triangular leaves. However, there is quarter part of the garland that is originally decorated as “ an animal face biting the garland”. Initially , A French scholar believed that it was Klang art., but it was later found that the smae kind of lintel is found to be built in the sam period with Bapuan art. Therefore, it is classified as Bapuan art as well.