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Arts in Southeast Asia Database

Shiva lingam

Keywords : Prachinburi National Museum, Linga

Site common namePrachinburi National Museum
Type of artworkSculpture
Sub districtNa Mueang
DistrictMueang Prachin Buri
ProvincePrachin Buri
Geographic Coordinates
Decimal degree
Lat : 14.047306
Long : 101.37467
Geographic Coordinates
Zone : 47 P
Hemisphere : N
E : 756401
N : 155423.89
Place of artworkPrachinburi National Museum

History of production

No evidence related to the origin.

Production process

Carved sandstone


It was found at Amphoe Aranyaprathet, Sa Kaeo province


The Shiva lingam is composed of 3 important parts. The bottom part is a square, the center part is an octagon, and the top part is a circle.

Key academic information

This Shiva lingam is in a complete condition. It is one of the important examples of Shiva lingam in Khmer Arts in Thailand.


- Normally the square and the octagon parts will be under the Yoni base and the only part that is above the Yoni base is the circle.

- The 3 parts of the Shiva lingam which are square, circle, and octagon represent the Trimurati in Brahmanism. The square is called Brahma the creator, the octagon is called Vishnu the preserver, and the circle is called Shiva the destroyer.

PeriodHistorical Period
Art periodLopburi, Khmer Art in Thailand
Age14th -18th century B.E

Type of LicenseAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND)
RightsPrincess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre
Date of record creation2016-09-30
Record creatorRungroj Thamrungraeng

สุภัทรดิศ ดิศกุล, หม่อมเจ้า. ประติมากรรมขอม. กรุงเทพฯ : กรุงสยามการพิมพ์, 2515.

สุภัทรดิศ ดิศกุล. ศิลปะขอม. กรุงเทพฯ : องค์การค้าของคุรุสภา, 2533.

สุภัทรดิศ ดิศกุล, หม่อมเจ้า. ศิลปะสมัยลพบุรี. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทาลัยศิลปากร, 2547.