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Arts in Southeast Asia Database

Standing Buddha Image at Shwezigon

Keywords : Sri Lanka, Bagan, King Anawratha, Kyanzittha, Shwezigon

Site common nameShwezigon
Type of artworkSculpture
VillageNyaung U
Geographic Coordinates
Decimal degree
Lat : 21.168333
Long : 94.86

History of productionKing Anawratha constructed this Stupa as the container of the teeth derived from Sri Lanka. This Stupa is so huge that the construction was not finished during his reign but the reign of Kyanzittha. These Buddha images were presumably casted during or after the reign of King Kyanzittha.
ArtThe normal characters of the standing Buddha images in Pagan art can be described as followed. The robe is normally transparent and both-shoulder-covered. The stylized ends of the robe indicate the Late Pala influence. The right hand is in Abhya gesture while the left holds the tip of the garment n lower position than the right one indicating the influence from north Indian art.
PeriodHistorical Period
Art periodPagan
Age10th-13th century A.D.
Religion and beliefFour Buddha images at Shwezigon are believed to be the four previous Buddha in Bhadra aeon: i.e. Kakusandha, Konagamana, Kassapa and Gotama, being enshrined at the different direction of the stupa. Despite of being of the same style, the iconographical identification need to consider from the location of each image.

Type of LicenseAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND)
RightsPrincess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre
Date of record creation2015-02-00
Record creatorChedha Tingsanchali