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Arts in Southeast Asia Database

Phra Samudrachedi

Keywords : Bell-shaped Chedi, Round Chedi, Sinhalese-styled Chedi, Elephant-encircled-style Chedi, Chedi, Phra Samudrachedi, Chedi Klang Nam, Wat Phra Samudrachedi

Artwork alternative namePhra Chedi Klang Nam
Site common nameWat Phra Samudrachedi
Type of artworkArchitecture
Sub districtPak Klong Bang Pla Kot
DistrictPhra Samut Chedi
ProvinceSamut Prakan
Geographic Coordinates
Decimal degree
Lat : 13.6003244
Long : 100.586811
Geographic Coordinates
Zone : 47 P
Hemisphere : N
E : 671672.71
N : 1504084
Place of artworkAt the centre of the temple

History of production

The construction started in the reign of King Rama II and completed in the reign of King Rama IV.


Phra Samudrachedi a bell-shaped stupa and lies upon two veranda in octagonal plan. A staircase leading to the veranda can be found in four directions and there are elephant figures at the veranda’s pedestal.

Above this pedestals lie a tiered lotus-shaped pedestal with two wires in circular plan, whose niches are attached to in four directions. Then lie a set of lotus-shaped pedestals, a set of tiered wire-shaped pedestals, a tiered lotus-shaped pedestal with pointed wire are placed under a bell-shaped anda. The ballang is in square plan surrounded by supporting pillars and the cylindrical finial.

By the height of the stupa, the scholar believe that it is the effect of flood resistance and a landmark for the travellers.
Key academic information

Phra Samudrachedi is situated on a small island of Samutprakarn Province or Phra Pradaeng city. Later, the right coast of the Chao Praya River was shallowed and the mainland thus connected to the island. Phra Samudrachedi was built by King Rama II, when he ordered to build a fortress, to defend the naval enemies, on the both sides of estuary of Chao Praya river. He dies when the construction began just at the platform, so the project continued in the latter reign. However, King Rama III did not finish this work. King Rama IV then changed the style from a stupa in dodecagonal plan to a bell-shaped stupa in circular plan.

PeriodHistorical Period
Art periodRattanakosin
Age19th century AD
Religion and beliefTheravada

Type of LicenseAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND)
RightsPrincess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre
Date of record creation2015-05-26
Record creatorPatsaweesiri Premkulanan

หอสมุดแห่งชาติ. “ประกาศเรื่องความเป็นมาของพระสมุทรเจดีย์และการสถาปนาปฏิสังขรณ์สมัย ร.4 พ.ศ.2403” หนังสือสมุดไทยดำ อักษรไทย ภาษาไทย เส้นดินสอ จ.ศ.1222 เลขที่ 82.

พระราชพงศาวดารกรุงรัตนโกสินทร์ ฉบับหอพระสมุดแห่งชาติ (พระนคร : โรงพิมพ์กรมสรรพสามิต, 2506.