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Arts in Southeast Asia Database

Kyubyauk Gyi at Myinkaba

Keywords : Kyanzittha, Prince Rajakumar, Kyubyauk Gyi, Myazedi inscription

Site common nameKyubyauk Gyi at Myinkaba
Type of artworkArchitecture
Geographic Coordinates
Decimal degree
Lat : 21.157222
Long : 94.860556

History of productionPrince Rajakumar constructed this temple dedicating the merit deed to his father, King Kyanzittha wile he was suffering from the last sickness. Myazedi inscription yields the details of his merit deeds including casting a gold Buddha image.
ArtTemple of Early Pagan art is normally squat in shape. The windows here are closed by the screens which make the interior ambulatory path and the sanctum very dim. The short leafs at the pediment edge and the prominent sloping roofs are the characteristics of the period. Shikhara with the column of niches in the central offset bears the style similar to that of other temple of contemporaneous period, including Nagayon and Ananda.
PeriodHistorical Period
Art periodPagan
Age10th-13th century A.D.
Related artworkInside the temple exist the murals depicting the stories form the Buddhist legends, including the story of the reconciliation of Buddhist canons, Buddha’s life and Jatakas. There are also Mahayanist Bodhisattava figure in the mural.

Type of LicenseAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND)
RightsPrincess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre
Date of record creation2015-02-00
Record creatorChedha Tingsanchali