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Arts in Southeast Asia Database

Isaraphap Chedi Chanthaburi

Keywords : King Rama V, Khao Laem Singha , Isaraphap Chedi , Phireepinas Fort , King Rama III, Chanthaburi , Phraya Phisitsaisunthornkarn, France

Artwork alternative nameChedi at Phireepinas Fort Chanthaburi
Site common nameKhao Laem Singha
Type of artworkArchitecture
Sub districtBang Kachai
DistrictLaem Sing
Geographic Coordinates
Decimal degree
Lat : 12.475574
Long : 102.057204
Geographic Coordinates
Zone : 48 P
Hemisphere : N
E : 180087.61
N : 1380915.31
Place of artworkOn the Phireepinas Fort Khao Laew Singha

ArtistPhraya Phisitsaisunthornkarn, the governor of Trat
History of production

Phraya Phisitsaisunthornkarn, the governor of Trat, together with the local people of Chathaburi, built this Chedi in 1904 as a memorial in the occasion that Chanthaburi was granted freedom after being ruled by France for 11 years.

Production process

Bricks and cement


This brick and cement Chedi is painted in white has a circumambulatory with a wall in a square plan. The wall is decorated with Chinese-style-craved tiles. There is a short wall supporting a bell-shaped element in a round plan. There is a lotus base, a series of three convex moldings, a lotus base with pointed mouldings, all of which are highly extended. Above this is the bell-shaped element, hamika, pillars, spire and finial.

Key academic information

Chanthaburi was ruled by France for 11 years from 1893 -1904. After being granted freedom in 1904, King Rama 5 ordered a large celebration for this occasion. Phraya Phisitsaisunthornkarn, the governor of Trat, together with the local people of Chathaburi, built this Chedi. This Chedi was built to cover the old Chedi on Phireepinas Fort on Khao Laem Singha that was built in the reign of King Rama 3 to protect the city from Yuan. The position of this Chedi can be seen from a distance when travelling through Laem Singha to Chanthaburi by boat.

PeriodHistorical Period
Art periodRattanakosin
Age25th Buddhist century
Religion and beliefTheravada / Politics

Type of LicenseAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND)
RightsPrincess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre
Date of record creation2015-08-15
Record creatorPatsaweesiri Premkulanan

พุทธิตา เวฬุวรรณ. รายงานการวิจัยเรื่องการศึกษาแหล่งประวัติศาสตร์และวัฒนธรรมฝรั่งเศสในจังหวัดจันทบุรี กรณีศึกษา : เหตุการณ์พิพาทไทย-ฝรั่งเศส ร.ศ.112. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันวิจัยและพัฒนา มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร, 2555.

หลวงสาครคชเขตต์ (ป. สาคริกานนท์). จดหมายเหตุความทรงจำสมัยฝรั่งเศสยึดจันทบุรี ตั้งแต่ พ.ศ. 2436 ถึง พ.ศ. 2447. นนทบุรี : ศรีปัญญา, 2552.